Helping people TO discover the magic of A fit&healthy lifestyle

Work with mELANIE


Hi! I’m Melanie, your dedicated fitness coach, with a deep passion for CrossFit, weightlifting, and all things related to strength and conditioning.

My mission is to guide and support you on your journey to discovering the magic of a fit and healthy lifestyle. I believe that regular training, balanced nutrition, and a strong mindset are the key pillars of lasting well-being and fulfillment.

I offer personalized training programs tailored to your unique needs, helping you reach your full physical and mental potential. Whether you prefer training 3 or 5 days a week, at home or in the gym, or whether your focus is on personal growth or competition, your journey is uniquely yours.

I’m here to create a program that aligns with your goals and to coach you either remotely or through one-on-one sessions.

For me, trust and communication are the foundation of a successful coaching relationship, paving the way for growth and progress.

Let’s work together to experience the magic of becoming the happiest and healthiest version of yourself!



Elevate your fitness with Crossfit! Whether you’re focused on building strength, enhancing endurance, or improving overall athletic performance, my personalized programming and coaching will guide you toward consistent progress. If your goal is to crush your workouts, build functional strength, or compete, I’m here to help you reach those milestones.

Join a supportive community, challenge your limits, and let’s achieve your fitness goals together!


HYROX is a fitness competition that combines endurance, strength, and high-intensity functional exercises into a race. As your coach, I’ll provide a tailored training program to optimize your performance for this unique competition. Whether you’re new to HYROX or aiming to improve your personal best, I’ll offer expert instruction, support, and motivation to help you overcome every challenge.

Train smarter, push your limits, and achieve your fitness goals with dedicated HYROX coaching—because no significant achievement happens without a solid plan.

General Fitness

Achieve your health and fitness goals with personalized coaching. As your coach, I’ll create customized training programs that focus on improving your overall fitness, building strength, and enhancing your functional abilities. Whether you’re aiming for better performance, increased endurance, or a more balanced physique, I’ll provide expert guidance, motivation, and support tailored to your individual needs.

Olympic Weightlifting

As part of Crossfit, I quickly discovered my passion for weightlifting—the most elegant way to lift and move weight overhead, don’t you think?

My tailored programs focus on perfecting your technique and progressively increasing your strength. Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or an experienced lifter refining your skills, I’ll provide the guidance, motivation, and support you need to lift at your best.

Hybrid Training

Hybrid training—the hype is real! Can’t commit to just one discipline? You don’t have to! With a well-designed hybrid training program, you can combine your strength and endurance goals to enhance your health and fitness, improving overall physical preparedness. Whether your favorite activities are strength training, running, cycling, or yoga, I’ll create a tailored program for you that integrates your preferred activities and includes essential rest days.


I believe that a strong mindset is one of the keys to a happier, more fulfilling life. I’m here to guide you on your journey to becoming the most empowered and balanced version of yourself by helping you develop mental strength, confidence, and a positive outlook.

Together, we’ll work to overcome personal obstacles, set meaningful goals, and sustain your motivation.


Mit FBSC und Melanie habe ich nicht nur einen einfach einen Coach gefunden, sondern eine echte Unterstützung auf meinem Weg zu einem gesünderen und fitteren Lebensstil. Mein Ziel war es, fitter im Alltag zu werden und Stress durch regelmäßiges Training abzubauen. Mein Trainingsplan war keine Standardlösung sondern ein maßgeschneiderter Plan der meinen persönlichen Zielen und Bedürfnissen entsprach.

Meine Trainingswoche bestand aus 3-4 Einheiten und einer Kombination aus Kraft- und Konditionstraining. Wenn eine Übung mal nicht zu mir passte oder ich Schwierigkeiten hatte, sie korrekt auszuführen, konnte ich Melanie jederzeit über WhatsApp erreichen und sie hatte sofort einen Tipp oder eine Alternative für mich parat.

Die Möglichkeit, meinen Trainingsplan für die kommende Woche spätestens am Montagmorgen in der App einsehen zu können, hat mir geholfen, mich optimal auf die neue Woche vorbereiten zu können. In dieser App fand ich nicht nur meinen Trainingsplan, sondern auch Erklärvideos zu den einzelnen Übungen. Außerdem konnte ich meine Ergebnisse und Notizen dort hinterlassen und jederzeit wieder einsehen.

Melanie stand mir bei Problemen und Fragen jederzeit zur Seite. War ich mir bei der Ausführung einer Übung nicht sicher, ließ ich ihr einfach ein Video via App oder WhatsApp zukommen und erhielt umgehend ein Feedback.

Ihre motivierende Art und Unterstützung haben mir geholfen auch an schlechten Tagen dranzubleiben und mein Selbstwertgefühl gestärkt.

Nach mehr als einem Jahr Training kann ich mit Stolz sagen, dass sich all die Mühe gelohnt hat. Ich fühle mich fitter, stressresistenter und habe viele neues lernen dürfen von den FBSC Coaches und nehme einiges davon mit für die Zukunft.

Die Vorteile eines Coaches sind für mich klar, durch einen individuell auf mich zugeschnittenen Plan und die stetige Unterstützung und Motivation konnte ich meine Ziele erreichen. Heute denke ich noch oft and Tipps und Tricks der Beiden zurück, ich sag nur “ das pickendes Hühnchen im Maisfeld“ 🐓

Amelie M.

General Fitness

If you are nervous about Fitness, CrossFit, Powerlifting, Weightlifting or even just living a healthier and happier life, call Mark, Melanie and Anne-Sophie! They will take perfect care of you and feed you with high quality advice and coaching. In addition you will meet some very nice people that will make your fitness journey even more enjoyable. Before I was training by myself and tried several so called high class training programs. None of them nearly reached the premium level of FBSC. By far best experience of my sports and fitness journey so far!
Andy S.


Mir hat der Plan von FBSC von Anfang an sehr gut gefallen. Mel hatte immer ein offenes Ohr für mich und hat mir mit ihrer liebevollen Art, nützlichen Tipps und ihrer konstuktiven Kritik sehr weitergeholfen. Ich habe schnell gemerkt, dass ich mich mit dem Trainingsplan gut verbessern und immer wieder selbst herausfordern kann. Außerdem hat Mel mich bei Allem unterstützt, damit ich meine Ziele erreichen kann.

Olivia K.




Online programming


/ month


Customized training plan, tailored to you


Comprehensive assessment - Movement & performance screening


Goal setting & progress tracking


1:1 Communication


Demo videos


Feedback, form checks & technical analysis via TrueCoach App


Regular Check-Ins & adjustments


Online programming


/ month


Customized training plan, tailored to you


Comprehensive assessment - Movement & performance screening


Goal setting & progress tracking


1:1 Communication


Demo videos


Feedback, form checks & technical analysis via TrueCoach App


Regular Check-Ins & adjustments


2 personal technique sessions


1:1 Session


/ session


Customized program


Technique & form coaching


1:1 coaching


At your home or in the gym


Get in touch

Feel free to reach out through the contact form below or connect with me on Instagram @melaniereuter. I look forward to hearing from you, so don’t hesitate to send a message! 🙂

Free Call

We’ll schedule a free call to get to know each other and discuss your goals, ambitions, and background. I’d love to hear where you’re from, what you do, and what motivates you! This is also your chance to ask me anything you want! 

Let's get to work

There’s something beautiful about collaborating on a project—and this project is you. Let’s work together to make the most of it. We’ll customize the programming and coaching to fit your needs, lifestyle, and ambitions.



1 + 10 =


How many weeks of programming do I get

 This depends on your goals, the training-phase you’re in, whether you want to compete or not and so on. 

But typically I work with training blocks that last 4–6 weeks. Once a week, I analyze your results and adjust the plan for the following week.

Your upcoming week’s plan will appear in your app on Monday morning.

How does communication with my coach look like?
You can upload your training results, related comments and videos directly to your True Coach App. At least once a week, you’ll also receive feedback from me on your completed sessions.

Additionally, I’m available on WhatsApp for any further communication—whatever it may be!

When can I expect to get feedback on my training
At least once a week, you’ll receive feedback from me on your completed sessions – mostly on Monday or Thursday.
What platform are you using to provide training?
How do I know what to do in my program?
You’ll get a training program with all the information and demo videos you need, so you know what to do and how to execute the exercises.